Our method

customer centric

With a lot of energy and commitment we provide continuous advice and support,
listen and analyze your ideas and help you to develop them with an Agile approach.

We use the Agile method with the Scrum framework in the design and development of all our projects.

It is a set of activities that divides the project into so-called "sprints" to better integrate in the product development process the changing needs of the customer, optimizing the time and quality of development.

Once the project needs have been met, the first "sprint" begins with the design of the features that are then prototyped and tested. The tests are followed by the collection of feedback that form the basis for improvements during the next "sprint".

The project is divided into cycles consisting of Design, Prototyping, Test, Feedback and Review cycles that are repeated until the creation of the final product.

Skills and method

Every project, regardless of size, needs some key steps that together constitute our method.

Meeting and Discussion
Listening and knowledge - the first steps to understand the needs and to establish a dialogue focused on design thinking.
Analysis and Strategy
We use Service Design to analyze through the user’s lens, test and refine concepts before implementing them, reducing costs and development time.
Planning e Development
We design and manufacture digital products with service-oriented architectures (SOA) on cloud systems with DevOps practices following 12factor and Cloud Native principles.
With OffCare we monitor and keep your application competitive and secure through intervention plans or recovery strategies.

Do you need to design a web product?

Book a free 15 min meeting with one of our experts.